Tuesday 21 July 2015

Finding Acceptance on My Birthday

As you can probably tell from the title, today is my birthday.  I woke up to a pile of presents and some birthday cards and began opening them before heading off to work.  I came to the present from my parents, wrapped in pink paper and consisting of cosmetics and perfume.  Nothing new there, my parents have been giving me more and more feminine presents for birthdays and Christmas for a while now.  What did stand out, though, was the card they sent me.  They'd given me cards with my name in before, switched over to female pronouns, but this was the first time that I'd been sent a card with the word daughter on it.

I opened my card, saw what was on it and I cried.  Hell, I'm starting to well up a little now just writing about it.  Everything I'd been given for my birthday, all the messages on Facebook, the cards from friends and family, the presents, even my new pet cat, none of them came close to making me feel as special as that card did.

Having that one simple word on the front meant more to me than words can even adequately begin to describe.  It meant that not only were my parents tolerating or supporting my transition, it meant that they were supporting it.

I'm sure that there will still be the odd occasion where my dad still doesn't quite know how to handle things, and that we may still disagree from time to time, but I can't help but feel positive about our future relationships now.

I'm sure that some people who are reading this won't understand why I'm making such a big deal out of this, and I'd be guessing that you're cisgender.  Well, for a trans person their is nothing more amazing than being accepted and respected for who you are.  To finally receive that from my parents, after the years of fear that I might lose them from my life, that was the greatest birthday present I could have received today.


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